LinkedIn is a part of everyone’s B2B marketing strategy! The reason being its effectiveness in capturing over 80% of the business leads on social media.
It is designed solely for professional networking and enhances the visibility of your posts amongst your followers. All the more, it helps you to search leads based on several search criteria and segregates your LinkedIn connections by tagging them.
So, it’s next to impossible to keep LinkedIn out of your B2B marketing strategy! Right?
But, just using LinkedIn is not enough! You must also know how to use it.
Today, I will guide you on how to derive maximum benefit from LinkedIn for your B2B marketing. Consider them as an add-on to your B2B marketing best practices.
Personal touch
When you send a connection request to your 2nd and 3rd degree connections, do so with a personalised message. People send a huge number of connection requests on LinkedIn. Yet, fail to lure their target audience; reason being the personalised touch to these connection requests is absent.
LinkedIn engagement
Engage with your LinkedIn connections.
Besides just posting content and updates on LinkedIn, engage with your target audience. Get to know their interests, send personalised messages, and e-mails offering a subscription to your content and services.
However, don’t be promotional; focus on being conversational and building relations.
Segment your connections
Tag and segment your 1st degree LinkedIn connections.
Use tags based on location, industry, interaction history and others to segment your target audience into categories. This helps to determine their stage of sales cycle.
It’s good to follow up your newly added connections with a personalised message.
This will augment alliance with your target audience. Further, it creates an awareness of your brand amongst your connections.
Take a back-up
Don’t forget to create a back-up of your LinkedIn connections and interact with them even outside LinkedIn. You can use the list of LinkedIn connections for your e-mail campaigns.Further, you can share this list of LinkedIn connections with your team members and increase engagement with your target audience.
Final Thoughts on B2B marketing strategy for LinkedIn
LinkedIn rules the social media platforms for B2B marketing. But, if you use it without thinking, you will exhaust your time and efforts in vain. So, keep in mind these best practices to use LinkedIn for your B2B marketing strategy and increase your company revenues.
So, what’s your favourite B2B marketing strategy for LinkedIn? Share with us in the comments below!
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